Customer Feedback

Cheng Siew Yen
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you so much to Choice Baby for making my dream come true. My family is now complete. I have two 2 sons and was planning for my next baby girl. Then I came across the advertisement on The Star Newspaper, giving me the choice to choose my next baby. I signed up as a Choice Mother. I was very lucky as I conceived on my first few months. When the doctor told me that I was carrying a girl, I just couldn’t believe him and smiled. But when he told me again on my next check-up that I was going to have a girl, the joy in me was so much that I just couldn’t wait for the little one to come out. I am now proud mother of a little girl and two boys.

Goh Yock Pyng
“After few calls, and a consultation at Choice Baby office, I signed up as a Choice mother. After all, this is 100% money back guaranteed, it’s worth a try. In the end, I am now a proud mother of a girl and a boy. I strongly recommend the CHOICE Method to anyone who wish to choose the gender of their next baby naturally to give it a try.” Thank you Choice Method ! Thank you Choice Baby!

Haslinda Binti Hashim
Saya dengan rasa sukacitanya ingin merakamkan setinggi -tinggi perhargaan dan terima kasih kepada Choice Baby kerana telah membantu dalam menentukan pilihan jantina bayi saya. Saya masih ingat lagi semasa menjalani ujian pap-smear doktor pakar yang merawat saya, dia telah memperkenalkan saya kepada Choice Baby. Setelah bercerita mengenai kaedah CHOICE BABY ini yang dipaparkan menerusi akhbar tempatan dan slot rancangan Nona di TV3, saya semakin bersemangat untuk mencuba dan hasilnya amat membanggakan. Kali ini saya telah dapat apa yang saya hajati iaitu anak lelaki. Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Choice Baby kerana telah membantu merealisasikan impian saya sekeluarga.

Ding Ing Hua
“時常看見鄰居有男有女的小孩,而我們只有女兒.這是我們非常羡慕別人的家庭.幸好,我們看到報章上看到 Choice Baby的廣告”

Sharipah Atika Binti Said Mahzar
Saya adalah seorang ibu kepada 3 orang putera yang berumur 6, 5 dan 4 tahun. Walaupun kami berdua Bahagia dengan putera-putera kami tapi jauh di sudut hati kami berdua tetap menginginkan kehadiran seorang puteri di dalam keluarga kami. Sehinggalah pada satu hari apabila saya terbaca iklan mengenai kaedah Choice yang keberkesanannya kira kira 98.7% lalu hati ini berkobar- kobar untuk mencubanya walaupun tidak 100%. Apabila saya memberitahu suami tentang perkara tersebut dia merasa sangat gembira dan menyatakan apa salahnya kami berdua mencuba. Selepas mengikuti program ini selama 2 bulan saya disahkan hamil . Kami berdua begitu gembira walaupun belum pasti tentang jantina bayi kami. Sehinggalah kandungan saya mencapai 6 bulan. Doctor mengesahkan melalui scan bahawa kandungan saya adalah bayi perempuan. Terima Kasih Choice Baby kerana memberi kami ikhtiar dengan kaedah anda.

育有一子的我,在此前其实和丈夫都渴望在怀第一胎时可以生个女儿,机缘巧合下丈夫在报章上看到有关自然与安全的选择生男生女的方法,那就是「选择方法」。结果我们决定尝试并成功怀上了女宝宝,而且还是个可爱的双胞胎呢,可谓双喜临门!感谢Choice Baby 的专业服务,让我们生活充满欢乐和温暖。我希望能与更多的夫妻分享我这这份梦想成真的喜悦,也期盼全世界的夫妻都能知道「选择方法」的存在。

James Goh
My wife and I have four daughters and we were hoping to have a son. We came upon Choice Baby in an advertisement, claiming to have a 98.7% success rate of conceiving the baby gender of our choice. My wife and I were curious and excited about it. So we drove all the way from Malacca to Kuala Lumpur to meet up with consultants from Choice Baby. Two weeks later, we were given a diet recommendation and a personal conception chart. It’s a miracle! We are now enjoying the bliss of having our baby boy. I trust the Choice Method whole heartedly, I strongly recommend the CHOICE Method to anyone who wish to choose the gender of their next baby. So that more people would benefit from this method.

“現年三十的李惠妮就是 (CHOICE METHOD)的成功例子之一。之前育有兩女的惠妮渴望下一胎會生個兒子。惠妮說:我們根據Choice Baby特別為我們制定的日程表,在選定的理想嘗試懷孕,不久候我再次懷孕。一直到五月候,醫生確定胎兒九十九巴仙是男嬰,心裏更是充滿了喜悅。我已有三位可愛的女兒,正計劃添一位小寶寶,然而十分渴望是位兒子。我很感謝“CHOICE METHOD” 能令我如願以償,得到了一位可愛的小男寶寶。更感謝 Choice Baby,把貴公司的“CHOICE”服務介紹給我,使我有個美滿的家庭。”
Here’s what the experts say…
“After 2 years of research on the feasibility and physical mechanism of the selection method. I communicated with the World Health Organization and my scientific findings confirmed the encouraging viability of the selection method for millions of couples.”
Prof. Mavoungou, Biochemist,
Biomedical Academy UNESCO