The Polarity Cycle was found to be predictable. When the ovum membrane is positively charged, it attracts the sperm carrying the X chromosome (negatively charged) and a GIRL is produced.

When the ovum membrane is negatively charged, it attracts the sperm carrying the Y chromosome, which is positively charged and a BOY is produced.

When the ovum membrane is neutral, sperm carrying either X or Y chromosome can unite with the ovum and fertilize it. During this period the chances of getting a boy or girl are 50:50
The energy required for a sperm to enter the egg membrane and create a new cell (your baby!), is provided by the fusion of the sperm and the egg when their ph or polarities are at opposites. Whilst the ph of the X (girl) or Y(boy) chromozome sperm have opposite polarities which remain constant, the egg membrane receptors alternate their ph so that at times they will accept a girl sperm and at other times a boy sperm. The opposite polarities create energy or electricity. As an example of the importance of energy in reproduction, Scientists tried for many years to clone Dolly the Sheep with its own DNA and nothing worked until they introduced an electrical charge to simulate the natural way.
So as to predict the polarity of the egg at any time, the scientists analysed thousands of animal and human pregnancies This enabled them to define parameters which, based on individual information, have a direct influence on the future timing of each polarity of the egg. The results are shown on a 12 months conception chart (see example for a boy/girl) indicating the favourable days for conception of a baby boy or baby girl. There are around 70 to 80 days per year which are clearly favourable for the conception of each gender, the other days being days when the ph of the egg is not sufficiently definable. Conception can occur on any day of the month, irrespective of the menstruation cycle.
You will need to ensure that you only attempt conception on the favourable days for your chosen gender, as shown on your personal conception chart and also follow a simple diet (details provided) to re-enforce the applicable ph of your egg membrane.
Included with your conception chart is a diet recommendation – it will strengthen your required polarity or ph for a baby boy or baby girl.
Once you decide the first month when you would like to start attempting conception, you need to complete your information etc… for the diet recommendation and conception chart to be processed. Your diet recommendation and personalized conception chart, with your identification reference number and the favourable days for the selected gender will be available to you.